Moebius: Venise Celeste / Celestial Venice (1984)
Éditions Aedena
24.5 x 30.5cm, 104 pages
Moebius: Venice Celeste (Celestial Venice) collects work by Moebius made during his auspicious trip to Italy in the early 1980s that was to be an inspirational voyage that paved the way for a 9 page comic (that this art book takes it’s name from) and also one of the first works penned under Jean Giraud’s other nom de plume “Jean Gir” (see Moebius: Starwatcher).
Moebius: Venice Celeste is separated into the following sections:
Préface de Milo Manara (Preface by Milo Manara),
Les Fantasmes du vieux Mœb (The Fantasies of the old Mœb),
Les Merveilles de L’Univers (The Wonders of the Universe),
Jean Gir, le nouveau Mœbius (Jean Gir, the new Mœbius),
Internal Transfer,
Carnaval Vénitien (Venetian Carnaval).
At the time of writing there is an ongoing free exhibition of Moebius called “Les Beaux Voyages de Moebius” (The Beautiful Journeys of Moebius) taking place from 11th May – 24th November 2019 in Venice, Italy at the CA’ASI Architecture Studio as part of the Venice Biennale 58th International Art Exhibition that celebrates Moebius’ first visit to Italy and showcases part of Moebius’ oeuvre of the period.